1. Podlaczyc sie do urzadzenia za pomoca portu szeregowego dolaczonego w zestawie kabla lub przez konsole telnet. Parametry polaczenia szeregowego: 115200/8/n/1/n 2. Zalogowac do konsoli zarzadzania. Domyslne haslo to 0000 3. Ustawic adres IP interfejsu LAN: opcja 12 Interface selection 0 - Ethernet Interface: Enable IP Address Assignment: STATIC IP Address: Subnet Mask: nacisnac klawisz ESC, a nastepnie "Y" (yes) w celu zapisania zmian. 4. Uruchomic serwer TFTP i wybrac katalog, w ktorym znajduje sie obraz firmware (nazwa_pliku.img). Najnowszą wersję serwera mozna pobrac ze strony http://tftpd32.jounin.net/tftpd32_download.html. Po rozpakowaniu archiwum do dowolnego katalogu, nalezy uruchomic plik wykonywalny tftpd32.exe. Po uruchomieniu program automatycznie przejmuje adres IP karty sieciowej komputera. 5. W konsoli zarzadzania Aphelion wybrac opcje 33 - Firmware Upgrade 6. Wybrac metode transmisji (TFTP/FTP) 7. Ustawic parametry serwera TFTP TFTP Server IP Address: TFTP Server Port Number: 69 Firmware File Name: Upgrade new firmware?: y Upgrade new firmware, please wait ... \ 23% Upgrade complete, Press 'N' return to menu, Press 'R' reboot system. 8. Nacisnac klawisz R w celu zrestartowania systemu. ======================================================================= 1. Connect to the device through its serial port (the cable is included in the set) or via telnet console. Parameters of the serial port: 115200/8/n/1/n 2. Log into managing console. The default password is 0000 3. Set IP address of LAN interface: option 12 Interface selection 0 - Ethernet Interface: Enable IP Address Assignment: STATIC IP Address: Subnet Mask: To save the changes, press ESC key and then "Y" (yes). 4. Run TFTP server and choose the directory with firmware image (file_name.img). The latest version is available at http://tftpd32.jounin.net/tftpd32_download.html. After extracting the archive to any directory launch the executable file tftpd32.exe. The program will automatically adopt IP address of the NIC of the computer. 5. In the Aphelion managing console choose option 33 - Firmware Upgrade. 6. Choose kind of transmission (TFTP/FTP) 7. Set TFTP server parameters TFTP Server IP Address:
TFTP Server Port Number: 69 Firmware File Name: Upgrade new firmware?: y Upgrade new firmware, please wait ... \ 23% Upgrade complete, Press 'N' to return to menu, Press 'R' to reboot the system. 8. Press R key in order to restart the system.